Business Development

Sell to people that don’t know you

I’m doing something unique in my marketing and messaging. It is primarily to sell to the cold market. Many of us are selling to the warm market. Whenever you say things like hot yoga or ashtanga yoga with Hargobind, we focus on what we are doing. There is a problem associated with selling to the warm market. It is tiny and people are acquainted with what you are offering. Since they know about Hot yoga, they can go searching for it in some other town or with other teachers.  Targeting cold market People will not appreciate me for the amount of value as they are already getting those benefits. There are 8 billion people on the planet. If we rely on the warm market of people that know your product, we will have zero impact. The cold market is people that don’t know us. These are the people who have…

Webinars to keep your community together

It’s important to have this tool where you gather with your crew across the world to spend time together. A webinar can be a once-a-month yoga class, meditation class, or a kind of group checking. It could be your book club or anything. I’ve been doing my Dharmify webinar for a couple of days and I did one last month. I’m gonna do one Dharmify month webinar. It’s great to see how I do my webinar if you join it. It is a good way to get a clear path, whether it’s business, relationships, or a health issue. Dharmify is a phenomenal method so when you jump on the webinar you’ll see how I gather my core crew together to connect. Setting up a webinar It’s a lot of fun where you can stay connected to your whole group. I will take you to step by step through how I…
